Cottle Nasal Speculum
Nasal speculumis a medical tool used by the ENT physicians to examine the anterior part of the nose. Nasal speculum helps in enlarging the sinus area so that the exposed area can be clearly observed

The well known Adson forceps. A general-purpose dressing forcepswith delicate and precise feel. Available with standard serrated jaws, with serrated diamond jaws or with Tungsten Carbide cross-serration.

Cottle Nasal Speculum
Nasal speculumis a medical tool used by the ENT physicians to examine the anterior part of the nose. Nasal speculum helps in enlarging the sinus area so that the exposed area can be clearly observed

Cottle Nasal Speculum
Nasal speculumis a medical tool used by the ENT physicians to examine the anterior part of the nose. Nasal speculum helps in enlarging the sinus area so that the exposed area can be clearly observed

Dandy Forceps are curved to the side and have serrations on the jaws. These forceps can be used in general operations to assure hemostasis. They also are available with 1x2 teeth on the jaws so that a tight grip is held. Please note that website images are often representative of the product family and may not conform to the exact specifications or features of the item you select.

Providence Hospital
Providence Hospital Forceps are 5 ½" in length and contain partially serrated jaws. These jaws are available in a curved or straight style and help to control bleeding during general surgical procedures. This forceps has ring-handles and is able to be held in place due to the ratchet mechanism. Please note that website images are often representative of the product family and may not conform to the exact specifications or features of the item you select.

Leriche Artery Forceps Comes with an overall length of 6'' (15 cm)
that feature vertically serrated jaws that come in a straight or curved desoign. The Jaws also
have blunt tips and are able to lock due to the ratchet machanism on the inner part of the ring-handles.

Birkett Forceps
Birkett Artery Forceps are mainly used to clamp and restrict the blood flow through arteries during surgical procedures

Heiss Artery Forceps feature a delicate pattern that is available in straight, curved, or right-angle jaws in a variety of lengths to accommodate different cases. The curved or right-angle jaws of the hemostatic forceps may be useful to surgeons who need to access to blood vessels that are in hard to reach areas. Therefore, they may provide assistance in operations involving certain body structures such as the thoracic cavity. Please note that website images are often representative of the product family and may not conform to the exact specifications or features of the item you select.


Crafoord Coller
CRAFOORD ( COLLER ) Artery Forceps are available in a curved and delicate pattern with a primary function to grip or handle tissue. Depending on the type or thickness of tissue, different lengths of this forceps are offered, each with long serrated jaws.