Derlacki Clamps
Derlacki Clamps Holding clamp is commonly used tool in ossiculoplasty procedures. The clamp may be used to hold the ossicles in places during stripping or burring. The clamp is equipped with fine tips and a grove to ensure minimal slippage.

Adson Forceps
Adson Forceps are general-purpose instruments widely used to handle dense tissue. These incredible forceps are ideal for holding superficial and delicate tissues in multiple surgical procedures.

Debakey Adson Forcep
Adson Forceps are used for holding dressing materials such as cotton and gauze during surgical procedures, holding and manipulating delicate tissues etc. They have a wide thumb grasp for strong grip, increased precision and control.

Nasal Speculum
Visualize the foreign body using a nasal speculum for the pediatric patient or a vaginal speculum for the adult. Consider using procedural sedation (see Appendix E) in a child or frightened adult.

Jansen Middleton Septum Forceps
Designed for cutting septal cartilage and tissue during rhinoplasty procedures
Overall length: 7 1/2"
Four different Jansen Middleton Septum Forceps available

Ear Specula
specialized form of vaginal speculum is the weighted speculum, which consists of a broad half tube which is bent at about a 90 degree angle, with the channel of the tube on the exterior side of the angle. One end of the tube has a roughly spherical metal weight surrounding the channel of the speculum.

Micro Ear Forceps
straight, pointed
3mm finely serrated jaws
134mm overall length

MIcro Cow Cup Forceps
extra fine, oval
0.9mm x 2mm cups
72mm shaft
134mm overall length

Noyes Hartmann Ear Forceps

Rudert Nasal Speculum
Nasal speculumis a medical tool used by the ENT physicians to examine the anterior part of the nose. Nasal speculum helps in enlarging the sinus area so that the exposed area can be clearly observed

Rudert Nasal Speculum
Nasal speculumis a medical tool used by the ENT physicians to examine the anterior part of the nose. Nasal speculum helps in enlarging the sinus area so that the exposed area can be clearly observed