Duckbill Ear Elevator

Farabeuf Raspatory
Farabeuf Raspatory is an instrument ideally suited for use in neurosurgical procedures. This raspatory features a thick handle and a sharp file type head that can be used to whittle down bone. This instrument can be used to scrape cartilage and other more rigid tissue that need to be filed down.

Williger Elevator
Williger Elevator - Raspatory is single-sided, round, bent, working end is 55.0 x 4.0 mm, and overall length
is (15.7 cm). This Raspatory is also available in 6.0mm width depending on Surgical need.
Handcrafted with premium German Stainless Steel

Trautmann Mastoid Gouge


Day Ear Hooks

Lucae Ear Hooks

Mastoid Ear Searcher

Ear Knives

Billeau Ear Loops

Chambers Ear Loop